Snow Stoppers!

Snow stopper mittens  were recommended to us by a fellow mother of a rambunctious two year-old. She explained that her tot had been removing his mittens on snow days, prompting her purchase of these elbow-length mittens. She assured me that even on Jasper’s feistiest day, he wouldn’t be able to pull these mitts off.

Hopeful (and and a little skeptical) we purchased these mittens in late February.

They were worth every penny. As promised, these elbow-length mittens go on easily (that was never Jasper’s problem) and stay on for as long as we want to play outside. We’ve been able to enjoy plenty of family time outside lately, enjoying the mild (40-50 degree) temperatures. Jasper and Patrick built snow castles in the driveway, and threw snowballs for Greg. We all walked around the block and hopped through puddles. Joy was radiating though Jasper, and echoes of his laughter sounded through the neighborhood.

It has been great to get us all out of the house to enjoy nature. Snow stopper mittens  could have made all of those snow days enjoyable. Is it too late to build a snowman?